Holiday Safety Tips for Injury-Free Celebrations

Start the New Year Off on a Healthy Note

The best way to enjoy the holidays is to be as healthy as possible. Though, unfortunately, accidents and mishaps do not take a break for the holiday season. Sometimes we get careless and have nobody to blame for our injuries but ourselves. Other times, another person is reckless and negligent, and we are not at fault for our resulting injuries.

In either situation, we can take steps to increase our chances of enjoying injury-free celebrations this holiday season.

5 Holiday Safety Tips to Prevent Injuries

These certainly aren’t all the ways you can be safe. No matter what activities you go into, think it through, so you don’t get hurt.

Put a Cork In It

The bottle of wine that is. We know alcohol is a way to relax, and most adults have had a time or two where they just cut loose and went wild with it. But seeing that the majority of accidents this time of year involve alcohol in one way or another, it may be best to limit your consumption.

And we aren’t just talking about car accidents either. While instances of drunk driving go up around the holiday season, the likelihood of other common alcohol-related accidents also rise.

Protect yourself, protect others, and keep the libations to a minimum.

Don’t Channel Your Inner Griswold

Thousands of households throughout California and the U.S. will hang holiday lights this time of year. 

Many people will prop up ladders against their house and then stand on their tippy toes to reach that one last clip, as it’s faster than moving the ladder over a couple of feet.

study conducted by the CDC found that nearly 6,000 people ended up in the emergency room over the holiday season with fall-related injuries. Keep your holiday festive by firmly planting the ladder and moving it when necessary; nobody wants to celebrate these special days from a hospital room.

Know the Driving Hazards

Traveling to see friends and family will be on many agendas this time of year. But remember that travel during the holiday season has three increased dangers.

  • More traffic means a higher likelihood of getting in a wreck. It’s just a matter of more drivers trying to occupy the same space.
  • Some celebrations involve booze, and some people will drive drunk. Minimize your risk by not driving late at night and staying sober.
  • Weather can cause less than ideal driving conditions. From snow and ice on some streets to torrential rain on others, inclement weather is a significant cause of accidents during the winter.

We aren’t saying you shouldn’t drive; we just encourage you to drive more cautiously.

Watch Your Step

Rain and snow can both lead to slippery steps. Here in Hollister, we don’t have to worry about the snow; but we get rain. Wet roads and sidewalks can cause you to lose traction faster. Slipping and falling can be severe if you’re not prepared for it.

Outside you’re not in as much peril. But that water will work its way into buildings. For example, a tile or laminate floor can lead to a slip rather quickly when wet.

Don’t Act Like an Animal

Stay in control, but also know that animal bites and attacks are higher this time of year.

Why? Because when you’re visiting friends and family, their pets are out of their routine. A dog that is usually jovial and friendly might get nervous when more people invade its home. Those nerves build up, and the stressed-out animal lashes out with a bite.

Talk It Out with Gonzalez & Jones

Injuries happen. Accidents happen. Sometimes it’s because we are careless, but often it’s not our fault.

If you have been injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, then the personal injury lawyer team at Gonzalez & Jones in Hollister, California, wants to talk to you about it. You deserve the opportunity to heal completely from your injuries, and that will occur much faster if you’re not burdening your body with the stress of medical bills piling up.

Call us at 408-848-2208, or fill out the contact form on our site, and we’ll reach out to you to conduct a free case review. Don’t worry, there’s no obligation; we just need to ensure we’re a good fit.