Ways to Maximize Compensation of Your Claim After Your Car Accident

Receive the Compensation You Deserve

As the victim of a car wreck, you’re under a lot of unnecessary stress. Not only do you have to deal with a damaged vehicle, but you’re also trying to navigate the complicated world of insurance while trying to heal from your injuries (that healing process is actually slowed down when you’re under a lot of stress).

Did you know that the insurance companies know that you’re stressed? They hope you will accept a settlement offer so they can move on. That initial offer likely won’t compensate you for your time, property, and injuries.

Gonzalez & Jones want to ensure that you aren’t stuck paying out-of-pocket for damages that weren’t your fault. As a family-based legal team in Hollister, California, our goal is to help you receive a settlement that fully covers your losses.

Here’s how you can maximize that settlement.

image of a legal form that accompanies an article on how to find the best personal injury lawyer for your case

Enlist the Help of a Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury lawyers developed a bad reputation along the way. A handful of bad apples spoiled the bunch. But did you know that the lawyer is on your side?

A personal injury lawyer fights for you and what you deserve. Insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums and paying out as little as possible. A California personal injury lawyer helps you maximize the compensation you deserve after a car accident.

Seek Medical Attention Right Away

Without an injury, damages from a car wreck are pretty easy to calculate; it’s all replaceable physical property.

Injuries, however, can complicate your lifestyle far beyond the final doctor visit. To show that you were injured in the car wreck, you have to seek medical attention right away, and follow all of the doctor’s orders (including being on time for follow-up visits).

Consider this: if you wait two weeks after the wreck to see a doctor, how easy will it be to argue that your injuries weren’t related to the wreck? A lot can happen in that time period, and there’s considerable suspicion that your wreck wasn’t as severe as it truly was.

Required Auto Insurance

To be able to drive on roads, every state mandates that you carry a minimum amount of vehicle insurance. Regardless matter where your automobile is registered or where you got your driver’s license, you must complete this level. Every motorist in California is required to carry both property damage and bodily injury liability. The bare minimum of insurance is this. If you cause an accident that injures or kills a passenger in another vehicle, bodily injury liability insurance covers you. Drivers must carry insurance with a minimum of $15,000 per person and a maximum of $30,000 per accident. Drivers must also have property damage liability insurance, which safeguards you if you are found to be at fault for an accident that results in damage to someone else’s property. $5,000 in insurance coverage is necessary for this kind of protection.

Client speaking to a lawyer about what to do if a dog bites someone on your property

Don’t Talk with the Insurance Agency

Insurance agencies will get sneaky on you. If they call you up and ask, “How are you doing today?” and you reply, “I’m doing well, thanks for asking.” You suddenly minimize your pain and suffering by simply being courteous.

What do you do instead? Just tell them, “I am working with Gonzalez & Jones. Their Bay Area law offices will handle all questions.”

Give Minimal Details to Anyone

Social media gives us the ability to share our lives with the entire world. But after a wreck, you never know who the insurance company may approach to get a statement. Even discussing the wreck with your neighbor isn’t a good idea.

Suppose you post about how you were in a major car wreck, and despite your injuries, you’re recovering quickly. That simple post–one that you intended to inform friends and family about your current state–could be used against you to diminish the severity of what you have suffered.

Keep it hush-hush until the final settlement has gone through.

Injured in a Car Wreck? Talk to Gonzalez & Jones about Maximizing Compensation

Maximizing compensation after your car accident isn’t about getting rich. It’s about collecting what you need to recover from your injuries.

Without the help of an experienced car accident lawyer, are you able to fight for what you know you deserve?

Gonzalez & Jones Law Firm serves California with a focus on Santa Clara County, San Benito County, Monterey County, Gilroy, San Jose, Morgan Hill, Hollister, and the surrounding areas. If you were injured in a car accident, or a loved one was killed in an accident, then we should talk about what it will take to maximize your compensation.

Call us at 408-848-2208, or get in touch through our contact page, and we’ll have a free conversation to see how we can help you stand up to the insurance companies.